Thursday, June 20, 2013

Midsummer Celebrations


Summer Soltice


Feast of John the Baptist


The Summer Solstice is also known as: Alban Heflin, Alben Heruin, All-couples day, Feast of Epona, Feast of St. John the Baptist, Feill-Sheathain, Gathering Day, Johannistag, Litha, Midsummer, Sonnwend, Thing-Tide, Vestalia and others.


Midsummer is a night of magic and mystery as we celebrate the growth of the earth.   Around the world and across cultures people celebrate this as the first day of Summer, generally on June 21.

"Solstice" is derived from two Latin words: "sol" meaning sun, and "sistere," to cause to stand still. This is because, as the summer solstice approaches, the noonday sun rises higher and higher in the sky on each successive day. On the day of the solstice, it rises an imperceptible amount, compared to the day before. In this sense, it "stands still." 

The common Wiccan and Pagan holiday is often called Litha. 

Christian celebrations, after the conversion of Europe to Christianity, the feast day of St. John the Baptist was set as JUN-24. It "is one of the oldest feasts, if not the oldest feast, introduced into both the Greek and Latin liturgies to honour a saint. "Just as John was the forerunner to Jesus, midsummer forecasts the eventual arrival of" the winter solstice  DEC-21. 

The person of John Baptist is known for his wild spirit which personifies the energy of the Summer Solstice.

In addition the Essences also celebrated this Midsummer holiday.

Essenes: This was a Jewish religious group active in Palestine during the 1st century CE. It was one of about 24 Jewish groups in the country -- the only one that used a solar calendar. Other Jewish groups at the time included the Sadducees, Pharisees, Zealots, followers of John, and followers of Yeshua (Jesus). Archaeologists have found that the largest room of the ruins at Qumran (location of the Dead Sea Scrolls) appears to be a sun temple. The room had been considered a dining room by earlier investigators, in spite of the presence of two altars at its eastern end. At the time of the summer solstice, the rays of the setting sun shine at 286 degrees along the building's longitudinal axis, and illuminate the eastern wall. The room is oriented at exactly the same angle as the Egyptian shrines dedicated to the sun. Two ancient authorities -- the historian Josephus and the philosopher Filon of Alexandria -- had written that the Essenes were sun worshipers. Until recently, their opinion had been rejected by modern historians.   

For those who celebrate the Christian Craft it is a day of wonder and wild spirit.  Bonfire are lit, and St, John the Baptist is revered.  We celebrate the Summer and the life of John the Baptist.

In the Wheel of the Year (Pagan calendar)  Midsummer is one of the 'lesser sabats' of the 8 major sabats and often one the most favorite for the energy of this time of the year.  We are given no only what we need, but even more.  Midsummer is a holiday of excess and frolic.  

My Practice-

I celebrate by adorning my main altar with glorious array of summer flowers and fruits.  I light a 7 day candle in honor of John the Baptist and do energy work to Bless and bring abundance.

My family and I often go the mountains where we honor nature and celebrate this day with a bonfire and feasting.  The energy  of this day is great for positive and love work.  

 One of my favorite parts of both Beltane (May 1) and Midsummer are the head wreaths.  These beautiful head arrangements symbolize the female maiden energy and are lovely to wear.




Lavender, Chamomile, Roses, Daisy, Lily

Frankincense, Lemon, Rose, Wisteria, Lavender

Blue, Green, Yellow

Dried herbs, Potpourri, Seashells, Summer Flowers, Fruits

Summer Fruits, Ale, Mead, Fresh Vegetables

Friday, August 10, 2012

Thank You

Thank you to all the wonderful open minded people who have visited the original site (on Tripod) since the year 2000.It has grown and reached thousands of magical Christian , Pagan, and Occult people over the last decade.

I am the Creatrix of this site.  I created this 10 years ago, as I struggled to find people like me and began learning web design.. I have met so many wonderful people along the way, and grown so much in my womanhood, spirituality, and computer skills.  I have been able to open the minds of Pagan and Christian alike and dispel many falsehoods on both sides. I have learned from all of you as you gathered information from me. After all, that was the goal of  Project St. Craft when I embarked on in the Spring of 1999, with my pseudo name and fake email; Lest I suffer the wrath of Pagan and Christian alike.

I have journeyed so far in this last decade. I have loved and I have lost. I have experience joys , sorrows and some darker bits that the Universe has to offer. I have journeyed within and kicked a few butts without. Above all I experienced and I have sacrificed and had others who sacrificed for me, just as I have had a few who were unable of sacrifice and ran at the first sign of shaky waters; these also were some of my hardest and deepest lessons.

I experienced suffering and death of a cherished person who had always been there to save me, and now is gone from my site. I nursed the sick and brokenhearted while crushing under the weight of my own grief an betrayal , trying not to let it effect the way I love others.  I have mourned and raged at injustice. I have felt the anxious realization your child is a little bit different coupled with a driving desire to give them tools they need. I invited some truly damaged and disturbed people into my life, who I have had to heal from knowing. I have been an advocate against atrocities and have done by hardest to prevail through it all .

I have also created life and raised three fabulous children (still a work in progress) alone, as a single parent. I have loved and experienced passion. I created and watched my children begin to create. I have met many people and phenomenally spiritual women along the way. I have felt sadness and pride as most exit my path as needed  and marveled when the Universe has kept on my path, a few  women I found priceless!  I journeyed and learned from other women, everything from The Craft to Motherhood and all in-between.

I have educated myself from A-Z in all a sundry of things. I  studied Cognitive Therapy to Tantra. I received certificates in teaching, marketing, small business, and Applied Behavioral Analysis . I have started and failed and started and succeed with a few businesses and projects over the last decade. I have grown into my spiritual path and experienced many different ways to the Center. 

Above all- I have EXPERIENCED. Every moment , every lesson, every feeling, disappointment,  joy and sorrow- they have all been mine. Mine to work through and mine to share.

I am archiving this site, it will still be available for the seeker, however I am updating with a new fresh site. One that I do not need to hide behind, or explain my beliefs, or even really give a damn who agrees or not.
I once read an article that stated ;
"Your 20's are for experiencing yourself. Your 30's are for finding yourself, Your 40's are for accepting yourself. And your 50's are for not giving a shit who likes you our not, and being your genuine self."

I am kissing the ass end of my 30's and a bit ahead of schedule I accept me and I don't care if anyone else does. 
As a dear Witch I know says....
" The Crone has earned the right to spit on the sidewalk!"
Basically, most ( there is always the less evolved exception - as I have sadly encountered) women who make it to 50 , have experienced enough of life to say "Screw off I can do what I want"

I am Ankhesenaum. I am a Rootworker and Hoodoo Mama. I am a Witch an Strega I am Christian influenced and have faith in it. I am in Service of the Loa (Spirits), the Ancestors an Saints  (the Blood), the Goddess (the Life) the Christ , (the Compassion) all for Bondye (the Great Good God). 

I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a lover, a worthy adversary and I am here to share with the adept through my Craft. Those who want what I have to share are welcome and those who do not, can pass me bye.
As for me,  I am somewhere hovering between Mother and Crone-- loving being a Mom and yet ready for the reigns of motherhood to ease up,  as I confidently walk through my 40's moving forward to my spitting on the sidewalk days........

"I am not a Bitch, I am just intolerant of bull shit!"

"Be who you are , the people who are worthy of you will not care and those who do , you don't want as friend anyhow....."

Friday, June 18, 2010

Holidays and Sabbats

Holy Days and Sabbats








Holly, Mistletoe, Rosemary, Oak, Pine cones Bayberry, Pine, Cedar, Rosemary, Juniper Red, Green, White, Silver, Gold Yule log (oak or pine), Mistletoe, Wreaths, Strings of dried flowers and cinnamon sticks, Apples, Oranges, Yule tree Nuts, Apples, Oranges, Caraway rolls, Mulled wine, Roast turkey


Snowdrop, Bay, Heather, First Flowers of the Year Rosemary, Cinnamon, Wisteria, Frankincense, Myrrh White, Orange, Red Lamps, Besom (witch's broom), Yellow flowers All Dairy products, Curries, Onions, Chives, Garlic, Spiced wines, Seeds, Herbal teas

Spring Equinox

Honeysuckle,Iris, Peony, Violet All spring flowers Jasmine, Rose, Strawberry Green, Yellow Colored eggs, Green and yellow jellybeans, Rabbit Decorations, Spring Flowers Seeds, Leafy Green Vegetables, Spiced or Flower Cupcakes, Fruits, Hard-boiled eggs


May Day
Honeysuckle, St. John's wort, Hawthorn, All flowers Frankincense, Lilac, Rose Green, Soft pink, blue and yellow Maypole, Strings of beads or flowers, Ribbons, Spring flowers Dairy, Oatmeal cakes, Cherries, Strawberries, Wine punches, Green Salads


Lavender, Chamomile, Roses, Daisy, Lily Frankincense, Lemon, Rose, Wisteria, Lavender Blue, Green, Yellow Dried herbs, Potpourri, Seashells, Summer Flowers, Fruits Summer Fruits, Ale, Mead, Fresh Vegetables


Feast of the Bread
All grains, Grapes, Heather, Blackberries, Sunflowers Sandalwood, Rose, Aloes Yellow, Orange, Green, Brown Corn Dollies, Any Wheat weaving crafts, Shafts of Grain Breads, Cider, Blackberry Pies and jellies, Rice, Meadowsweet tea, Berries


Hazel, Corn, Acorns, Oak, Wheat Stalks, Cypress cones, Pine cones Myrrh, Sage, Pine Orange, Dark red, Yellow, Brown Acorns, Pomegranates, Pine Cones, Baskets of fallen leaves Breads, Corn, Cornbread, Beans, Squash, Apples, Roots (carrots, potatoes, onions), Cider


Hallows Eve
Pumpkin, Apple, Nuts, Thistle, Chrysanthemum, Broom, Oak leaves, Sage Apple, Nutmeg, Sage, Mint Black, Orange Jack-o-lantern, Photos of deceased loved ones, Apples, Fall leaves, Autumn flowers, Squashes Apples, Corn, Nuts, Cider, Mulled wine, Pumpkin Dishes, Cranberry muffins, Herbal teas

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mary and the Egg

Mary and the Egg

It is a common theory that Easter is nothing more than a recycled Pagan tradition.  Although it is true that eggs and bunnies are Pagan fertility symbols used at Spring celebrations, there is a bit more to the Easter Egg as a Christian icon.  Eggs have been used at Passover feasts since Moses and it was more likely a Passover feast that Mary Magdalene immortalized the modern day Easter Egg at.  Read below to find out why Mary Magdalene is often used by esoteric Christians as Christian goddess energy form and archetype symbol.

According to the ancient tradition of the East, Mary Magdalene was a wealthy woman from whom Christ expelled seven demons. During the three years of Jesus’ ministry she helped support Him and His other disciples with her money. When almost everyone else fled, she stayed with Him at the cross. On Easter morning she was the first to bear witness to His resurrection. She is called “Equal to the Apostles.” The Eastern tradition tells us that after the Ascension she journeyed to Rome where she was admitted to the court of Tuberous Caesar because of her high social standing. After describing how poorly Pilate had administered justice at Jesus’ trial, she told Caesar that Jesus had risen from the dead. To help explain His resurrection she picked up an egg from the dinner table. Caesar responded that a human being could no more rise from the dead than the egg in her hand turn red. The egg turned red immediately, which is why red eggs have been exchanged at Easter for centuries in the Byzantine East.

Mary traveled the Mediterranean preaching the resurrection. Like Peter and Paul, she died a martyr. She bears witness to the important role women once held in the Church.

This icon was commissioned for Grace Cathedral in San Francisco to commemorate the election of Barbara Harris, the first woman bishop in the Anglican communion.

The inscription at the bottom of the icon reads: “Saint Mary Magdalene.” This title is written in Syriac, a dialect of the language spoken by Jesus. The Gospel comes to us most directly, not from Rome or Greece, but from the deserts of the Middle East. We owe our faith to Semitic Christians such as Mary Magdalene.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Comparison Chart

Mysticism and Christian Esoterics is as old as Gnosis (secret knowledge) itself. 
Comparison Chart

The Traditional Christian Common Mystic Craft Ideas Syncretion
Father = the creator Mother / God/dess = the creator God/dess = the creator
Son = the manifestation of the creator and the universal energy in a   temporal form Maiden / Nature = the manifestation of the creator and the universal energy in a material form Nature (including humans which includes Christ) = the manifestation of God in physical form
Holy Spirit = the universal energy of the soul and spiritual wisdom Crone / Life Force = the universal energy of the soul and spiritual wisdom Holy Spirit seen as female, and possessed by all. The energy of Spirit.
God is the Alpha & Omega, the beginning and the end.   Everything and Nothing. The God/dess is masculine & feminine, yin & yang, positive & negative. All Energy The God/dess is dualistic in all ways, including good and evil. Everything  Male/female yet genderless.
The Divine Being is separated from the world. The Divine Being is a part of the world and the world is a part of it. The Divine Being in the world and above worlds. In nature and above nature, We exist inside this Divine Being and this Divine Being exists inside of us. Divine is with it's own conscience.
Lesser Spiritual energies  seen as helpers and guardians.
Saints, Ancestors
Elemental sense as energies that aid and asset in spiritual work.Fairies, Gnomes, Elves,Muses, Dragons, Nature Spirits, Ancestors, etc... Belied in unseen Spiritual begins that aid and a assist when asked. Understanding that things nein present themselves in manner acceptable. Belief that Worship and prayer are not he same. Praying is asking and seeking assistance
Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Everyday is Holy. Each Day is Holy. Certain days held with more regard and celebration. Sabbats, Holidays , specific day for worship and Esabats.
The ritual can be setting up an altar, anointing with oil, water, or earth (ash), using plants (Palm Sunday), lighting candles, incense, communion through consuming wine and bread, kneeling and using body movement, dancing, & singing.  The ritual can be  setting up an altar, anointing with oil, water, or earth (minerals), using plants (herbs), lighting candles, incense, grounding through consuming tea and cakes, using body movements, dancing, & singing. Combination of any and all Ritual practices which one finds personally gratifying.
Practice your rituals and pray in private to keep humble and not boastful (according to the teachings of Christ on prayer). Practice is a personal, sacred experience that is often done in small groups or solitary. Daily private prayer and devotions. Sacred Rituals in private and in small groups. Occasional Festive Days with large or smaller group or family.
Faith can let you do anything; believe and it will manifest:  "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Believing that you can direct the flow of energy in the universe allows you to practice magick.  I use both magic and prayer together because Believe that they are the same thing in two different forms.
Everything is the will of God Your current situation is cause by your own actions & karma Know the God/dess has loosely outlined plan for personal lives. Yet, understand that your own free will can effect this plan, Use the gift of free will wisely and accept Karma as lessons.
Tenfold Rule:  Whatever you do will come back to you times ten. Threefold Rule:  Whatever you do will come back to you times three.  Believe that when you send out positive energy, you receive positive energy.  When you send out negative energy, you receive negative energy.
Physical, mental, or spiritual sacrifice is necessary to show devotion to God and become more aware of spirituality. There is no sacrifice required except for that which occurs naturally as a result of decisions (if you pick one thing, you're giving up another) which is necessary to learn and grow. Sacrifices occur naturally as a result of making decisions and essential for learning and growth, Giving up something that is physical or mental can help you become more aware of your spirituality.  However,    sacrifice will not bring you "closer to God."  Love will.
After you die you rest in Paradise until you are resurrected and judged then go to Heaven as a reward or Hell as punishment. After you die you rest in the Summerland and may chose to enter another body when you are ready to learn additional lessons in the school of life.  You are the only one who can pass judgment, reward, and punishment on yourself. Belief in  life after death, that we may return to the mortal world through another body, that we must repeat our lessons on earth until we've learned what we've needed to learn.  However this is a choice and is our own Judgement on ourselves. Heaven and Hell are a state of being. We judge ourselves according to our Spirit who is infinite in wisdom.